Journal selection service
Your paper must be placed in a suitable foreign journal for its wide distribution in the international scientific community. We will help you decide for the most suitable journal for your paper. Our experts will select several specialised publications relevant to the topic of your scientific work and prepare a detailed report with recommendations. During the selection process, we consider the following:
1.correspondence of the manuscript to the subject of the journal;
2.the full-value and completeness of the manuscript (correct title, literate text, keywords, list of authors and literature, tables, graphs and additions);
3.correspondence of language and grammar quality to foreign standards;
4.usefulness and readability of images;
5.relevance of the list of references;
6.originality of and lack of plagiarism in the manuscript
The Scopus and Web of Science databases contain over 30,000 journals. Therefore, the process of selecting a suitable publication turns into a filigree process, which involves numerous parameters that must ‘converge. Among these parameters, the main ones are: